Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Preface

Another year has come and gone leaving everyone to post how much they loved or hated this last year and how much hope they have for the next. This phenomenon is trending all over social media complete with days early "Happy New Year" general and private posts. Pictures, collages, videos, and a combination of all three have been posted and all of the individuals a person loves or thinks about have been tagged, hashtagged, or mentioned in countless posts over the last few days. Except for me.  I wasn't intentionally trying to not to say or do or make anything. The thought just never crossed my mind. I was perfectly content with reading everyone's posts, watching the videos and liking pictures. And then I saw this picture:
Needless to say, I shared the photo and couldn't get it out of my head for the rest of the day. For anyone one who knows me well, I'm usually all about positivity, making the most of what you have and what not. I try to bring joy to others and I try not let other's negativity get in my way. (Note: *usually* and *try* are key words here, everyone slips sometimes and I'm only human). The challenge that accompanies this picture put an idea in my head: write the book. Write it all down, one page (day) at a time and at the end see what has come of it. 

And that is how I ended up here, ready to start writing my novel. At least one post a day, everyday for all of 2014. 

My drive comes from my need to do something consistently but my motivation is going to come from my friends (Catherine and Leah for example) who post all the time on their respective sites, the movie "Julie and Julia", and anything else I can think of that may inspire me to put fingers to keys and tell the internet about my life. I don't even know what I'm going to write about but I do know one thing, I *will* write.