Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Flurry of Entries

Living weeks with Wednesday as my Monday is challenging. Getting back into the swing of documenting my thoughts and actions and what not for this class is even more challenging. I guess I'll start with my first day back at work (Friday) after the"abstinence period" started. There was also some trouble on Saturday since I saw some cast member friends and then I have a general post about the process so far.

Friday- May 29th
I have been Disney free since Wednesday but going back to work throws a wrench into the situation. The assignment is abstain from something we would miss but wouldn't hurt us and all I had to bargain with was Disney but I work for the company so balancing what behaviors are acceptable and not is complicated. I came up with anything that the store (not the castmembers) provides and expects of me is acceptable as long as I am clocked in or as I am entering or leaving the building (in a timely fashion). I am also very angry at the fact that this assignment comes just as my favorite part of the year starts at work: trivia. Of course, this year trivia is not part of the work day. Instead it is an extra, outside activity on the company's social media page which means that I cannot participate. I am very unhappy about this fact but I want to do the assignment justice so no trivia for me. I have also explained to most of the other castmembers what the assignment is and what I can and cannot do both on and off the clock. I slipped a little and caught myself in the middle of a conversation about some castmembers' park excursions to which I just left the conversation. After work I came home and tried finish clearing my environment. I never quite realized how much Disney stuff I have in my room/possession. 

Saturday- May 30th
I called one of my sorority sisters "Kraken" because that is her nickname and I'm not sure if that counts as a slip or a relapse. Yes Pirates of the Caribbean is a Disney film and that is why she is called Kraken but if that is what she wants me to call her, is that on me? Does that count as a trigger? Anyway, Kraken, her sister Amanda and I went out to dinner after work and that was challenging. Both of them are CM's at the parks and one of the reasons we get along so well is because of how much we all know and enjoy and can talk about Disney. I told these particular friends a week ago about the assignment and the parameters and both of them violently shook their heads in protest. These girls cannot live without Disney so when we went to dinner I had to keep telling them "I can't talk about that" or "I can't look/hear about that" which was consistently followed by: "Dang it! This is so hard!" What I did allow myself to talk about was my job and how my day went. I don't feel as though that counts as talking about Disney but maybe I am wrong? I'll have to run it by my group. So far, I mainly miss going to the parks and watching shows and participating in trivia. Only five more weeks right?

Tuesday- June 2nd
 Generally, I find this assignment more of a nuisance than a challenge. The only real effort I have to put forth is avoiding Disney things from friends. On my own I seem to be doing fine. Whenever I someone posts about Disney on a day I’m actually checking social media I just try to scroll past it as fast as I can. Am I supposed/expected to delete or hide that person? Is that the seriousness of what we would be asking a client to do? I did have a slip today when I was searching Vine to find a video for a friend. I was scrolling through and since the videos on the app start playing as you as you scroll to them I had no way of knowing what it was until it was over. The video was the actor who played Esteban on The Suite Life of Zack and Cody reciting his really long name while helping some girl in a hotel. I always knew that Disney was everywhere but that just wasn’t necessary.