Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I'm BBBBaaaaacccccckkkkk

But it isn't a daily thing. I'm in the second week of my summer semester and I have an assignment that requires three check ins a week and what better way to do a check in than with something I am used to! What assignment you ask? Well for my addictions class we had to give up something that made us physically ill to think about living without for six weeks. I had a really hard time finding a vice because I grew up under the impression that nothing is permanent and just because you have something doesn't mean you need it. I also don't drink, I try not to go out to eat unless I have no other food in the house, I drink nothing but water, and I tend to make all of my own food so all I had to bargain with was...


For the next six weeks I cannot go to the parks, look up/play trivia, read/search for articles about Disney, watch Disney movies (that includes live action movies like Pirates of the Caribbean and any of the MARVEL films), listen to Disney music, tell Disney stories, or do any of my Disney impressions outside of work. I have to take all of my Disney stuff OUT of my room and stop wearing any of my Disney shirts. UGH! I'm going to die. 

The first part of the assignment was to write a letter to our substance or behavior to address how it is our friend and our enemy, how it comforts us and makes us feel hopeless much like a client entering recovery would have to do. If you would like to read my letter you can find it here:

Lets see how long I can actually do this for. 

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