Friday, February 28, 2014

Finding Some Success

Amidst all the craziness surrounding this week I am happy to announce I only missed one class and only cut three hours from my internship. Why am I happy about that? Well, the two weeks prior to this week have seen 7 classes being skipped, 1 missed test, around 10 missing hours from my internship as well as 3 canceled physical therapy appointments. I'm extremely happy with this weeks accomplishments. This week also consisted of three assignments for my practicum plus a test in one of my class. Two and half out of three of those assignments are finished and I'm fairly certain I aced my test this morning. OH!! I actually ended up CATCHING UP on my hours for my internship. 

I was also able to talk to an old professor of mine who gave me some advice about grad school, the GRE, and helped me with one of the three assignments. I'm pleased with the end of this week and even though the talent show will not be happening tomorrow, Brandi and I have decided that we WILL finish the dance and once it is finished we will post it so that the work can see hour efforts. 

On a broader note, this is the end of month two for the blog!!! I'm so excited that I have been able to keep up with it for this long and I am so proud of my self for actually sticking to it. I only technically missed one day and it was only by a few minutes and it was due to that stupid dance. One thing I am not so pleased about though is how I kind of slacked of on the quality of this blog. Tomorrow I will start trying to incorporate more than just my life rants and what not. I need to do another check in with my goals and then maybe I can get this thing back on track. 

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