Let me just start by saying I do not consider my self to be a conservationist or an environmentalist. I do not identify with what my sister (who grew up in the 80's) calls a "granola" or a "crunchie," but there are some things that I think should be taken in to account by all humans. Will they? Of course not but I can do my best and that is all I can do.
For one thing, if you're going to waste water then waste it wisely. Even water parks waste water wisely by recycling it and putting it through a filtration process. Don't leave the faucet running when you're brushing your teeth or washing your face. You're one of those people who thinks everyone cares when your car is dirty and want to wash your car? Collect the water from your shower or from a days worth of washing your hands and use that! You could also use this for flushing your toilet. That how I had to flush mine for years because our toilet was broken, trust me it works. If you must, ONLY water your lawn on your designated day and only if it needs it to keep living. I don't understand this country's obsession with lush green lawns if you don't use them for activities.
I bring this whole up because of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Yes I participated but I participated as wisely as possible. I also chose a cause I actually care about and that I am involved with instead of just being pressured into donating to a cause I know nothing about. I have a few grievances about this challenge as a whole but one of the big ones was the water that was being wasted. If 50 million dollars worth of donations has come in since who ever "started" (ripped the challenge off of Matt Lauer) the damn thing, imagine how many millions of gallons of water have been wasted by people who just fill it up from the sink and stand on their patio. If you're going to dump a bucket of water on your head, why not have it be water that you're going to use during your shower? Just wet yourself first using that bucket and then take your warm shower right after. You don't even have to go outside for that one Or water from your pool that you pour on your head whilst standing IN YOUR POOL? Add some ice and its cold. Woo. Or go to the beach, a lake, a river. Empty the cups of water that you fill up before you go to bed because you think you'll drink them in the middle of the night. AT LEAST stand in a section of your yard where the water that is inevitably going to hit the ground hits a part of the ground that BENEFITS from the water.
There are really simple ways of helping extend the water supply AND IT SAVES YOU MONEY. I bet if water droplets were shaped like dollar signs there would be an excess of drinking water.
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