Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Reckless Behavior

You think I would have learned my lesson yesterday when I was late for work but no, apparently not. I still didn't set enough alarms. Luckily though, I woke up with enough time to all my job for my callin and not be in trouble. Once I found out that I did not have to go to work today I struggled making a decision as to what to do. I thought about laundry, budgeting, schedule, cleaning. I went through the list of things I need to do and elected to play the sims,  watch Madagascar 3, and put one load of laundry in before I went to class. 

I wish I had a good reason for that. I wish I had a good reason for waiting until 1130 at night to eat my dinner.  But I don't. I am still struggling with this idea of not wanting to do anything and embracing that side of myself that says "we don't actually have to." These aren't good decisions and I know that at least. I need to make an effort to not be okay dissapointing myself and to put the things that I have on the "need to accomplish" list first rather than the things on "want to accomplish."

Food: I had left over casserole stuff, half of my left over cheesecake slice, and a blue berry muffin before going to class. In class, Heather brought us cupcakes as part of her presentation and now I am making pizza.

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