Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Check In Time


1. The Roll Over Goal- figure out what is and is not good for me and decide what is  actually worth keeping. Look on nutritional websites, talking to people like Catherine who I consider to be knowledgable about the subject and make better choices.
      There isn't an excuse that I would even begin to try to use for not having accomplished this AT ALL. I really don't understand why this is so difficult for me. I guess I will have to start leaving more reminders for my self. Ughhhhh.

2. Stay active while I am at home.
     Solo an challenge for June kind of failed. If I don't get a good start to things I tend to push them off to the side. And I miss learning/ practicing choreography. I really need to get the Wii and get Just Dance so I have no excuse. Ab challenge will be restarting in July. I have also started to look into getting back in to pole fitness. It is tons of fun but its eitehr pole fitness or the Wii.m

3. Turn staying active while at home into losing 20 pounds and/or going down two pant sizes.

4. Seek new adventures, do things that make me happy.
     This has included seeing friends, eating Reese's Oreos, and hopefully getting a Busch Gardens pass

5. Take more pictures.
      I'm thinking of doing a picture challenge on my Instagram or Twitter but ai'm honestly kind of scared to do it. I don't really like to take pictures of my self but I don't know what else to take pictures of. I've got five more days to decide. 

6. Learn how to cook 2.0
     I watched Amanda cook steak?

7. finish Grad school applications
     ... No comment

8. Open a savings account and have 2000 dollars in it by December
     This has been at the back of my mind. I honestly need to start researching the best interest rates and my plan is to start putting money in this account after the Fourth of July.

9. Go through old clothes to donate and throw away.
      I cleaned my room... Does that count

10 Update wardrobe
       Bought two new dresses. It is a start.

11. Learn how to drive. 
       Have a drivers manual and I'm reviewing it. Ford Fiesta is my inspiration.

12. Spend more time outside.
       I think for July I will start walking my dog. Yep. 

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