Monday, September 22, 2014


I know that I have talked about my dislike for Monday's a bunch but the first half of this particular Monday REALLY solidified that hatred.

I closed the night before so of course I get to open the next day. No big deal, whatever. I get to see an old friend! I was excited for this. The morning ended up in shambles with me being behind on everything because a new project had to be done. I don't like being behind or feeling like I am running out of time. That paired with the rest of the stress from the last week resulted in a crying Kaitlin once again. Once I was able to catch up on my tasks and not feel like I had to be the person to do everything the day went a lot better.

AND THEN I GOT TO SEE CATHERINE! We went shopping and we got ice cream and then she made dinner!!! I have never heard of tomato sauce in beans and rice but it works so I am glad someone thought of it. After dinner, we were able to FINALLY watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier which was good. The whole story arc for Captain America doesn't really appeal to me but it was a good superhero movie. What it means for the Avengers and for the rest of the Marvel universe hasn't quite been revealed yet but I am hoping it will eventually lead to the Tony Stark vs Captain America civil war plot!

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