Sunday, September 14, 2014

Need My Toothbrush

So after all of the fun and excitement that was yesterday with Alexis, the real world showed up in the form of submitting my final grad school application, doing laundry, and starting interview prep. It also showed up when I realized that I left my toothbrush somewhere that I cannot find. I am one of those people who uses things until they completely die so the fact that I am now having to get a new toothbrush before the other one's time had ended kind of bothers me.

Now, I would share a picture of what my room looks like on a daily basis but I don't want anyone to call someone have my room condemned. Besides, its never as bad as it looks. Under my bed is all organized and now I can FINALLY start to organize the closet because my sister moved her clothes out of it. What makes my room look so messy is the fact that there is three separate college living spaces worth of things in it. Everything that I once was able to fit in to a 300 sq foot space is now crammed in to the guest room at my sisters house. Most of it is clothes. So. MANY. CLOTHES. That is why I started doing laundry today because I have finally gone through all of the clothes and they had started to take over my room. I have about half of them washed and contained.

I am not sure when the next battle commences.

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