Thursday, December 31, 2015

Welcome to the Future

My journey of writing everything down start two years ago today when I made a decision to write my life down; to hold my self accountable by putting details "on paper." I remember getting lazy with my posts in 2014 and I remember wanting to cut corners/ complaining to myself about how much effort this was. It was fulfilling to reach the end of the year though  and honestly it made the year feel like it meant something. 2015 hasn't been easy but there have been so many times this year when I have gone "that would have been today's blog post" about something that happened on a given day that I realized I miss being here. So here we go again! Tomorrow starts another 365 page book about my life and I am going to make it a good one damn it. I know that some big changes are in store for me in 2016 so the sequel should at least be interesting. I'm sure we'll meet new characters (both friend and foe), have new adventures, hear new words of wisdom and maybe even see a love story unfold. It's my life and I make the choice to embrace this next year of experiences. Happy New Year everyone.

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