Friday, January 1, 2016

Let's Go to the Beach-each

It is amazing to think about where I was this time last year. As 2015 began I was preparing to take the next step in my education and getting ready to move to Orlando for graduate school. I was spending my last few days at my store with my amazing cast of characters. I was starting to feel sad about all of the things I was going to miss about my store and all of the memories I was not going to get to make with my nephew since I wasn't going to be at my sister's house. I was starting to worry about my capabilities as a future counselor. I was angry with myself for not saving more money. I was procrastinating packing all of my things. And I was filling out FAFSA, which I have yet to do for this year. 

Anyway, this year has already been different from last year in many ways. I'm in a different city surrounded by a different cast with various new friends and enemies. I woke up at the beach *shudder* in the arms of someone I care deeply about and then we took a stroll. I don't know what 2016 has in store for me but so far I like it. 

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