Friday, April 22, 2016

Big Girls Don't Cry (I Wonder Why)

Remember how I said I would be scrambling? It has already begun. After work today, I went to the clinic to A) apply for babysitting/nannying positions because those jobs can end up paying some serious money, B) finish client paperwork so that next Thursday is an easy transition out of the clinic, and C) to have a meeting with the department about my class' experience this semester. I was lucky to have the experience that I and I will stick to that story. None the less, there were things that could have been better so attending the meeting with my classmates needed to happen.

After all of this was finished, I went home to start watching Wall Street for a paper that is due on Tuesday. Things didn't go as planned. My arm started to hurt, I had to have some serious conversations with some people. I got through half of the movie and then fell asleep.

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