Monday, April 25, 2016

Shake 'Em Off

I'm finally starting to get used to waking up at 5-5:30 am to be at work by 7:00am and I might be changing my schedule. I will say though, only being scheduled until 11 am is nice. And it worked in my favor today as I needed to finish my project for multiculturalism. I haven't succeeded quite yet but it is colorful and has the majority of my large family on it.  I get to present my "culture" to my class and this is difficult for me to conceptualize. I don't identify with a culture. I don't know what that means. But okay sir. I'll do your project and try my best.

I also have an interview today for a nanny'ing position. I'm constantly taking care of people and I'm going into a helping profession so I think I'm

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