Friday, March 7, 2014

Away From School

"Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go" - the Seven Dwarves- Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Today was the first day of my last undergraduate spring break. What did I do? I had a road trip back home with one of my sisters, cuddled with one of my nephews, went to work (WORK IS A MAGICAL PLACE WHERE YOU SING DISNEY SONGS ALL DAY) and now I'm home.

I already love spring break even though all I've done is work so far. While at work I made three people ridiculously happy and I got some awesome news that involves a one year pin and becoming a "regular" EEEKKKKKK THIS IS SO AWESOME !! In your best Rapunzel Voice: "THIS JA SO MUCH FUNNNNN!!! BEST DAY EVER!"

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