Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sick. Sick. Sick.

I feel how she looks. If you don't know who she is, her name is Augra (og-rah) and she is from a lovely little movie called The Dark Crystal

The last time I felt this sick I was admitted to the hospital. That will be four years ago in April. Everything in my body hurts, I keep fluctuating between feeling like I'm in the Sahara before feeling like I've teleported to Antarctica, I generally feel gross/under the weather, and I have some sort of ear/nose/throat thing happening. Apparently Spring Break isn't in my favor. 

I know that my temperature spiked sometime last night around 2 because I never actually feel asleep. Instead I started ether lucid dreaming about or hallucinating being an Imagineer at Disney and being responsible for designing a new Frozen ride.This was encompassed with tossing, turning, randomly sitting up, moving my legs like a cricket, and talking to people I knew weren't in my room. No matter what I did, I was forced to redo the design ad each way I turned was a different design which meant a different part of my body started to hurt.

The last time this happened was Spring Break 2007. I had strep and I had just finished the 6th Harry Potter book. I hallucinated that Lord Voldemort and I (AKA Harry) were falling while holding hands and singing kumbyyah (HOW DO YOU SPELL THIS??). Then (pillow) Hermione tried to suffocate me with a pillow.

Anyway, when I finally pulled my self out of last night's dream state, I jumped in the shower to either cool my self off or to warm myself up (I can't remember honestly). I was able to sleep for two-ish hours after that until I had to get up and go to work. 

I think my description above is pretty accurate don't you think? 

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