Saturday, March 29, 2014

DM Part 1

"I don't want easy, I want crazy. Are you with me baby, lets be crazy!!" I Want Crazy, Hunter Hayes

IT'S HERE!!! DM IS HERE!! AHHHH!!!! Today's the day for miracles and hope and dancing and craziness!! 

So today is going to be full of blog updates on this post! Pictured above is half of what I'm bringing to the event. One of the best ways to stay awake is to participate in the theme hours so that is exactly what we're going to do!  Updates to follow :)

6:00: Morale captains try to get us excited! WOOOO!!!

7:00-900pm: We started learning the line dance! There's like 30 snippets of songs shoved into a 7 minute time span. Oh boy!

9:30 SISTERS CAME TO VISIT US!!! We are so excited to see them and they brought us goodies :) :) 
10:00pm I REACHED 750!!!! Thank you everyone who helped me raise it FOR THE KIDS!! And Kate and I were able to dress up in high school cliques. 

 11:00pm: DESSERT BAR!!

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