You know when you get into little spats with people and they turn into (sometimes) playful insult battles where the whole point is to come up with the best come-back? Think MTV's "Yo Momma." Now that we're all on the same page, you know that time after the come-back war is over and you think of all of the perfect little insults/sly sayings you could have said? That is essentially what I'm talking about when I say I have a lot of occurrences where I wish I had spoken differently.
My favorite least favorite past time is rehashing conversations and beating my self up over all the stupid things I said versus all the things I've come up with instead. Or when I don't say anything at and then hate myself for not telling someone like it is. For example, I have this friend who makes me want to shoot myself most times we talk. Do I tell this friend this? No. This friend would freak out and call me mean. Doesn't mean I don't want to tell this friend that they drive me insane.
The whole point of this massive post is that I've realized there are things I never said to people I met in college that I'll probably never get to say. This really bothers me. I was never brave enough to just come out and say certain things to certain people and I dislike this about myself. How many time's has this happened before? What else have I not said?
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