Sunday, May 18, 2014

Very Confusing Things

Somethings in life just confuse you. Kind of like the picture above.

I don't know where I found this but it has been sitting in my phone for months and today it is useful. Work went by quickly and it a good day! I was able to use my Spanish speaking skills and had really good sales so I was rocking it out.

What confused me today were the actions of people. My store targets children. If you do not want your children to explore my store, why bring them with you? If you think they are going to want to look at things with then you should talk to them prior to entering and explain to them that they can look but that doesn't mean they can buy anything. Why bring in your child if you're going to reprimand ad discipline them for asking for something? 

This doesn't make sense to me and I have A LOT of experience with children of various ages. I can handle kids, I can get them to do pretty much anything. If you're a parent and you are bringing in your child, why is it so difficult to explain your expectations to him or her? I am actually confused by this.

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