Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Very Unhappy Hayniac

I'll be honest and tell you that this is a straight out whiney, full of complaints post. If you're planning on judging me for it you should really re-evaluate your priorities in life because I promise  you that you have 10 million things you could be spending your time on other than reading this and judging me for my petty little problems. 

Anyway, today I realized that my seats for the concert on Saturday aren't where I thought they were. The type of ticket I bought is a meet and greet ticket. The last time I had one of those my seat was the second row from the stage. I am officially spoiled when it comes to Hunter Hayes concerts. Well I was doing research last night and I discovered that while my ticket says "Floor 1, Row 1" it means that its approximately 45 feet away from the back of the standing room only pit section. This bothers me and I feel that I am justified in being bothered considering the amount of money that ticket cost (it was a graduation present). I did some further research today and I discovered that the pit section was only 55 dollars. That's around 20% of what my ticket costs. That makes me really, really agitated regardless of the fact that I understand why my ticket costs the amount that it does. I am having coffee with the artist, I honestly understand. I just don't understand why it wasn't explicitly stated in any of the literature I was given about the concert (I read it all, twice) that the meet and greet tickets had reserved seating behind the pit. When I first looked at these tickets, pit wasn't even listed. I would have noticed it three months ago, trust me. Arrrgghhhhhhh. I just dislike it. They pay not even half of what I did and they get some of best views in the house? Uhm how about no? 

I remedied this situation by finding a pit ticket on Stub Hub and deciding "you know what, I
That's where I want to sit, what is another 60?" and I bought the damn thing. So there. And before anyone sits there and tells me I'm spoiled or selfish or what have you, I earned that money. It was a present to myself. These were not options I had regularly growing up and every concert I went to prior to age 14 was a gift. Yes, I understand that some people never have the option to go to a concert at all. Yes, I understand that some people will never have the option to meet their idol at all let alone a second time. I told you it was a complain post.

In other news, my sister and her husband celebrate their 8th wedding anniversary today which is awesome. They've been through way too much in their 13 year relationship so its exciting that they were able to celebrate today even it was with just dinner. I forgot and had made plans with Catherine but then my sister told me this morning and I had to move Catherine time to tomorrow. I got to rock my pajamas and play with small kids all day. Woo!

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