Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Two Magical Years

While technically my two years was May 20th we celebrated that in the store today. I am so excited to be part of the little family at my store and to be apart of such an amazing company! Thank you so much to Meghan and Kim for throwing me a little celebration today :) 

Other things that I have been a part of for two years this spring? My sorority which means I've known Catherine for two years too!

Speaking of Catherine, I GOT TO SEE HER TODAY!!

We played Just Dance 4 for two and a half hours but it went by ridiculously fast. Everything hurts now BUT it was worth it!  

After dancing to 15 songs back to back we decided to watch Madagascar Three because she had never seen it. This movie is fantastic and it is my favorite of that trilogy! She liked it a whole lot too so it was a very fun day! 

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