Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Heeeeeeyyyyyy Sexy Lady

Today starts the second week of class and I have already given up on the little game I was playing with my self  about looking nice and put together at school. Maybe I should have made it publicly known instead of keeping it to myself. You would think that I learned that about myself from doing this the first time but no. Maybe I'll integrate the blog posts and Instagram to hold myself accountable (where have I heard this before? Hmmmm...) it is just finding the time and motivation to actually put effort into what I'm wearing.  I REALLY admire beauty bloggers/vloggers who can dedicate all of this time and effort into putting themselves together just to tell other people about how they did it. My life is in shambles compared to the level of put-together-ness those people must possess.

I just want to find or acquire the ability to be that person. I know it will take self effort and determination... I just know how to start that... Ugh. But!! I do have a killer selfie from yesterday that I am proud of ^_^  

Peter might hate this one but I think we both look cool (minus the guy in the corner). I'm really proud of my blending abilities in my eyeshadow though. Anyway, things to work on going forward .

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