Saturday, January 2, 2016

I Want It That Way

I decided in the car earlier today that I wanted today's post to be about food. I've been trying for months to wean myself off of going out to eat. I love going to Moe's and Kyoto, I love getting pizza, I love getting burgers and fries. I have a very hard time limiting myself to eating only the food that I can make. That being said, I made some decisions after my birthday to budget the money I am able to spend on going out to eat and doing stuff for my own entertainment and this will continue into the new year. So far I have done really well! I made myself all three meals yesterday and two so far today since I was at work. My plan is to continue to make all of my own food and stick to the budget A) because it is less expensive and B) because it's healthier. 

I want to strive to achieve better eating habits and a healthier lifestyle and I think these are good steps to start with. What types of changes are you thinking about making this year? 

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