Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I Just Know It.

Waking up at five am is going to be the death of me I just know it. But I did it, again. Today I didn't do signage though. Instead I got to clean which was just absolutely wonderful *sigh*

Anyway, the day carried on and soon enough it was time to clock out. Peter and I decided to do some apartment hunting and we went and looked at three possible living spaces. Out of the three, only one was acceptable (AND it is the one I've been fawning over for the last month so props to me) which is nice I guess. I have a sticky note in progress of all the other places I am willing to look at and then I'll visit the website of each one to write more details and make a spread sheet. I SWEAR I am not a type A personality >.>

I finished the night with hot chocolate and donuts from Dunkin because I wanted them and I have no self control. Yum. Sleep.

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