Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Gray Where We Live

Normally my title ends with "between wrong and right" because that is how Mr. Hunter Hayes wrote the song but that part doesn't make sense if I'm using the lyric to describe my sick day. I took off of work because I felt awful and my body as demanding rest. I went to the doctor (physican's assistant) and she told me to take Mucinex and Sudafed. She was right. I felt better after taking that and finding some Panera but I didn't feel great and that is where the gray comes in. 

I watched Divegent instead of working on treatment plans and played iPad games. I am now seeing double and my whole life lacks visual brightness as well physical brightness. Gray is a good descriptive word to describe how I feel and how my life has looked today. 

Now to survive practicum tomorrow, update my groups wiki at some point, and hope to not have to work on Friday. 

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