Friday, February 19, 2016

I'm Finding My Way Back Home

I did not have to work today which was nice. After I called in and they told me that I could have the day off, I promptly fell asleep for four more hours. This wasn't exactly the best choice but I think sleeping while you're sick is important.

Once I woke up, I was going  to go work on my client files but working on the wiki spaces and looking at apartments took precedence. We were able to visit three complexes and then find soup at Panera. I have a spreadsheet of  21 apartments (some we have already visited and some we need to still visit) that all meet a certain criteria. That list started at 48 and it is dwindling down after every visit. Peter asked me today if I was getting discouraged and the answer is yes. I am having a ridiculously hard time staying motivated to find a place that is nice, isn't going to kill us, isn't out of our price range, and doesn't make me hate the drive to work even more than I already do.  /facepalm

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