Thursday, March 31, 2016

I Can See Clearly Now

Today was a prac day and it was tiring. Session went well and group went well despite last week being the epitome of a terrible session. 

Ilysa and I then went to a Dirty ASL event where members of UCF's deaf community taught party and naughty words to us common folk. I have a new favorite saying to say the least. 

Oops, I Did It Again

I did it again!!! Dang it! 
Yesterday I went to Disney with Matt and Ilysa to look at the Easter eggs before the disappear. I also got to wear my new Beauty and the Beast dress :)  The eggs are created out of chocolate and edible art supplies and it just isn't fair. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

It's All About the Money, Money

Work went well today if not a little slow. I got to work with some of my favorite cast members which made me happy. Making money is a priority right now so I need to be way more mindful about where I'm spending the money I have and about what hours I can get. 

This means I should not have spent 15 dollars in dessert items today. But, it happened. 

I ate pretty wel today though! So that's good. 

I'm a mess. 

Hold It Down

I accidentally skipped my post yesterday which is what this post is now. 

I don't really remember what happened- oh wait. I watched San Andreas for the third time and then I did supervision. And then class and groceries. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Oh, There Goes Gravity

Hoppy Easter!! 

Peter and I woke up late which made us late to brunch at my Aunt's House. We finally got to Tampa at 1:14 and stayed until four when we then turned around and came back to Orlando. We headed to the Hyatt Regency to meet his parents for dinner (it was delicious) and then to Disney's Boarwalk to waste time.

Back to reality tomorrow!  

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Rain, Rain Go Away

I slept in and didn't prepare food for work  so I shoved PBandJ stuff in a bag and hoped for the best. My foot put threw a fit because it was accidentally stepped on by one of the managers yesterday. The rain made it impossible for me to go visit with Alexis for her birthday at Magic Kingdom. 

And then I made a terrible dinner decision. 
Such a great day.

Friday, March 25, 2016

It Doesn't Even Matter

Today has been bleh. Work, notes, and arguments. I found Harry Potter 4 for 3.49 though. Silver Lining.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Group and Mac and Cheese sauce from scratch 

When You Wish Upon A Star


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Clap Along if You Feel Like a Room Without a Roof

The apartment people gave us a welcome letter!! This doesn't mean we're in the clear quite yet but it does mean that we have a really wonderful chance of being confirmed for a ground floor, one bedroom apartment about 10 minutes from campus. This is really happening!! 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Isn't it Ironic

You'd think I'd be able to stop taking naps on Mondays but that didn't happen and I fell asleep for three hours. On the flip side, Moes and group planning happened today. Woo

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sugar, How You Get so Fly

It's Suzy Sunday with Catherine!! She came up to visit for a few hours after going to visit her mom for her birthday! It so lovely to see her ^__^ I can wait until we can meet up again!  We were able to go to Fresh to Order and get a Cupcake from Sweet by Good Golly Miss Holly. And then she met Peter and got to see why I love him. 

Today was another day off for me and I am really starting to get spoiled with them. I decided to look awesome today and do my makeup using my new Urban Decay XX Vice Limited Palette with some assistance from the Vice 2 and Kat Von D's Trooper eyeliner. I'm in love. 

You Gotta Fight

I totally forgot to do a blog yesterday. I am a failure. 

Actually, that's not entirely true. We woke up around 11am, bummed around until 2, went to have lunner with Peter's parents, and then I had to go to work until midnight so yeah. 


Friday, March 18, 2016

Cake By The Ocean

Okay, it wasn't actually an ocean but there was cake!! I was able to celebrate Danielle's birthday with her and her friends! It was so nice to see her and to celebrate with her. I really need to try to find more time to spend with her. I was also able to play with my new Urban Decay pallete and dress all fancy which was fun. 

Prior to the party, I worked on my client notes and files. Sunday I will have to go back to the clinic and finish the rest but four hours today was rewarding!!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


For the third day in a row (fourth tomorrow) I have had trouble sleeping before having to get up earlier than I am used to. Work was slow. I was told that I wasn't eligible for my transfer. I the napped for two hours and proceeded to watch San Andress after that. I have to be up by 830 tomorrow and I'm still not in bed. Joy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Candy Girl

Work and tests and stress. And then I convinced Matt and Ilysa to want to go to  Sugar Factory with me eventually. We are literally planning birthday parties that won't happen until November. I'm excited.

Peter is sleeping over tonight because we wanted to go get Chipotle for dinner. Woo.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

And sleep and not be stress out and not have to worry about studying things like all of the needless assignments for Multicultural class. AND GIRLS JUST WANT TO FEEL PREPARED FOR TESTS. Well everyone probably does but still. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

You'll See Boys

I should have been more productive today. I should have studied more. I should have prepared. I should have woken up earlier and gotten back to my house earlier today than I did. I should have done more to make today a useful day. 

But I didn't. I moped. I hurt Brett's feelings by bailing on plans I set up with him. I wasn't smart about sleep decisions and that made other people mad. 

Guess we'll see how tomorrow goes? 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

I Am the Mindfreak

Work and puzzles and puzzles and work.

First day back at work and it was fun. And then I went over to Amanda and Brianna's house to finish the puzzles from last week. THEY ALL SUCK. We finished most of them.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Three Little Birds, Sat On My Window.

Being in Tampa makes me wish I had gotten here sooner. I wish I could have been here Thursday through Sunday. I loved spending the week with Peter and looking at apartments (and then fighting about apartments) but being home makes me wish I had spent more time here during this break.

Things are changing. My nephews seem bigger every time I come back. We applied for an apartment. I just finished applying for a transfer at work. I had to interview my old manager for an assignment. It all just feels surreal. I'm nostalgic for 2012 when I didn't have a car and I was new to my job and my nephews were little. I also miss not being interrogated by literally all the adults that I know every time I see them. I LOVE that they care enough to ask but lately, all the adults in my life ask a lot of questions that make me want to pass out. The future is scary. I'm pretty sure it is bright but right now there is a window between me and that brightness and I'm just not quite ready to open that window.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I Remember There Was Mist


I was all excited to go and then Peter explained that the fair I'm used to (Florida
State Fair) is not anywhere close to
the fair I was going to get at the Central Florida Fair. We decided to visit Dave and Buster's instead where we found this awful game called Dark Escape 4D. It's a 3D horror game that has surround sound, vibrating seats, weird air effects, and a heart rate monitor that reacts in the game to tell you you've panicked. This game is built on jump scares and torture. Peter found it quite entertaining.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

We Run the Night

We decided to put in the application for the apartment! I'm so nervous!!  We have to give her income verification by the end of next week and then she'll process it and see what are chances of gettin he unit are. 

I made tacos for dinner which were yummy. It's hard to do portion control though so next time I need to think about that more. Tomorrow is fair day!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

We've Got It Going On

We nearly decided on the apartment today but they people acted a little sketchy and that turned us off for another day or two. I then met up with Matt for some Islands of Adventure fun before having publix pizza and a Sonic Reese's blast

Monday, March 7, 2016

Larger Than Life

We nearly made a decision on apartments today. And then j cooked burgers in the George Foreman with hand cut potato wedges and roasted broccoli. Then I created the apartment in question on the Sims to help me conceptualize it. I'm just scared it's going to be too small. I love the complex and the location. The Sims proved helpful and it showed us what we have will fit in the space but I'm still just scared that we'll feel trapped and on top of each other. Hrnsoejfngcisjenfj.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

And I'm Pins and I'm Needles

Today kicks off "make my own dinner" week. I tried to emulate the Carrabba's herb grilled chicken entree. I was mildly successful. I adjusted the recipe below so that cilantro and lime were replaced by oregano and garlic. I burns the chicken a little bit but Peter liked it for the most part so it must have been somewhat good. Tomorrow is burgers and homemade fries and then we'll go from there :)  

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Never Gonna Give You Up

Peter and I were Rick Rolled today in the car

Friday, March 4, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016

What a Girl Wants

I just spent the last three hours playing Sims. What has my life come to?

Anyway, the day was interesting to say the least. Dr. Jones wasn't able to attend class so my whole prac had to cancel our clients. Group was kind of bumpy.  I have hate 8 pieces of pizza today. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I Like the Way You Work It

I overslept and wasn't able to do more laundry before work. I went to work, bought some Tsums, and helped out a coworker. I'm suddenly so tired and hot. I don't want to go to prac tomorrow 

Food: blueberry muffin, two slices of left over pizza, and then I went to Sonic and ordered a burger, tots, and a peanut butter milkshake because I hate myself.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Reckless Behavior

You think I would have learned my lesson yesterday when I was late for work but no, apparently not. I still didn't set enough alarms. Luckily though, I woke up with enough time to all my job for my callin and not be in trouble. Once I found out that I did not have to go to work today I struggled making a decision as to what to do. I thought about laundry, budgeting, schedule, cleaning. I went through the list of things I need to do and elected to play the sims,  watch Madagascar 3, and put one load of laundry in before I went to class. 

I wish I had a good reason for that. I wish I had a good reason for waiting until 1130 at night to eat my dinner.  But I don't. I am still struggling with this idea of not wanting to do anything and embracing that side of myself that says "we don't actually have to." These aren't good decisions and I know that at least. I need to make an effort to not be okay dissapointing myself and to put the things that I have on the "need to accomplish" list first rather than the things on "want to accomplish."

Food: I had left over casserole stuff, half of my left over cheesecake slice, and a blue berry muffin before going to class. In class, Heather brought us cupcakes as part of her presentation and now I am making pizza.