Wednesday, January 29, 2014

In the Box

"Sometimes to get out of the box you have to get in the box." -Allisyn - Kim of Queens

We had a snow day (read: ice) which meant no class or work for me today. Instead I slept in and then  did GRE math prep for three hours. Afterwards, Brandi and I went and tried a new restaurant (it isn't better than Panera) followed by my roommate and I vegging out on the couch to "Kim of Queens."

This show is about a former pageant queen who takes girls in Georgia and turns them in to pageant girls through hard work, personality lessons,  glitter and practice. At first, I was a little afraid and worried to start watching the show. Four episodes later I was in love. Kim is all about "real talk" and tough love which I can appreciate. Her type of motivation is focused on building off of failures and by believing in yourself. Now who does that remind you of?

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