Thursday, January 23, 2014

Subject of Loss

When we think of those companions who traveled by our side down life's road, let us not say with sadness that they left us behind, but rather say with gentle gratitude that they once were with us.

Author Unknown

I've lost quite a few family members in my time here on Earth. My uncle, my aunt, my mother. All people I had to say goodbye to at one point or another. I've lost pets that felt like family and I've been separated from people that were practically family. Loss isn't selective. 

In 1988, 27 people lost their lives in the worst drinking and diving related accident to date. 24 of them were children under 15 who suffocated or who were burned due to the crash. We watched a documentary about this crash at my internship as part of the behavioral adjustment program in order to deter the kids from drinking and driving. Out of the 9 or so students who were there to view the film, 3 were awake and paying attention. Yet another example of loss but in this case a loss of an opportunity to learn something. 

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