Tuesday, January 14, 2014

To the stars

"Fill the darkest night with a brillant light cause its time for you to shine brighter than a shooting star so shine no matter where you are tonight" Shooting Star - Owl City

Today was my first official day at my practicum placement and I didn't really do anything. I observed a lot of troubled kids try to play their authorities and throw fits and make outrageous claims. I helped one student work on his math assignment and I was allowed to sit in on one of the group therapy sessions but that quickly turned into lots of gossip and talking amongst the adults in the room. Overall I am not sure how I feel about my placement and I can only hope I am able to make more of a difference in the future. 

In other news, I have some updates on how my goals are going! If you're like me (AND Tony Stark) and can't remember what you had for breakfast this morning (he had gluten free waffles... I think I had a banana and some oatmeal) then you probably don't remember what my goals were. You probably might not even remember what your goals are. This is why it is a marvelous thing that someone created language and the written word, just so that I could copy my goals and write updates below them. 

1. Stop drinking soda.
    I haven't had any soda in 15 days. This is progress and its getting easier and easier!
2. Visit with the nutritionist on campus to start eating better.
    I haven't made it to the nutrionist but I have started to make smarter decisions about what I've been eating. I have also been paying more attention to my caloric intake and I have been trying to make it more proportionate to the needed amount for my size and activity level. 
3. Make time to go to the gym, I want to feel better about my self. 
    I still can't be too active because of my foot but I did try to take steps towards being more active and I have an appointment to hopefully start physcial therapy soon!
4. Put effort into my appearance 3/4 days out of the week.
    This one I have been a little lackadaisical about. I really like sleep. A lot. Forcing myself to get up at 745 just to put effort into my hair or makeup is really difficult and I have no motivation to do it most days. Now that my internship has started I am hoping that this behavior will change. 
    I haven't exactly found my planner but I have been putting dates and reminders in my phone like a crazy person and I have been reading my textbooks and doing school work in a timely fashion. So far. 
6. Stay positive.
    I've succeeded in this minus a few particular instances where something a person has said or done has upset me. I haven't been mopey or too down so I feel like I am keeping up with this goal very wel!
7. Take the GRE.
    I officially have a GRE study group twice a week and I am deciding on a date for the test in the next couple of weeks.
8. Drink more water.
    All I've had for the past 15 days is mostly water with some apple juice occasionally.
9. Make straight A's my final semester.
    It is impossible to comment on this goal at this juncture.
10. Be happy with myself and the choices I make
    Lets just say I haven't disliked very many of my choices lately.
11.Look into internships.
    Haven't started.
12.Learn how to cook.
     Does packing my lunch count?
13.Work on my relationships.
     I've been pretty lax with this one too. It just isn't a very big priority right now so I haven't gotten around to it.
14. Make better choices with my finances.
     I've only gone out to eat four times since being home! I also managed to only spend 80 dollars on textbooks and supplies for school. 

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