Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The First Step

"'It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door,' he used to say. 'You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to.'"-  J.R.R. Tolkien The Fellowship of the Ring 1954.

Every journey starts off with a step, literal or metaphorical. Literal steps are kind of difficult for me currently considering my foot is broken so I'll stick to metaphorical ones for now.  First steps can come in a variety of ways. Thoughts, feelings, a decision on a matter, moving on from a matter... the list could go on and on if someone was creative enough. My first step occurred yesterday when I decided to start this adventure. The second step was making the blog and the third was posting about my decision. First steps can be really scary. Look at how long it takes babies to walk or for someone who wants to change the world to actually stand up and do it. That step is critical to their future and the *have* to trust and believe in themselves enough to even try it let alone keep it going. And that is where I failed last year.

My journey through 2013 started with deciding to be productive and actually work towards more goals instead of just listing them off and expecting them to just happen. I booked a trip to New York for summer and started planning a trip to Disney for spring break. I made a promise that I would go to the gym as well as many other clichéd NYE resolutions that I won't bore you with. 2013 brought me many opportunities and just as much drama be it familial, personal, social, whathave you. Drama. It was everwhere at all times. And it's exhausting.  I *tried* really hard to keep all of my goals but by the middle of the year, I was losing that battle with my self. I just couldnt find the energy, reason, or the self motivation to keep up with the rules that I put down for my self and they slowly slipped away. This year however, I will not let my self commit that same crime. I will be keeping my self in check with these posts and by teaming up with a friend of mine (Branndi314) to go through my remaining semester of undergrad and the rest of my 2014 in the best way possible. 

Happy New Year everyone.

Brandi314's blog:
Photo retrieved from

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