Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Start All Over

Again I am not positive that the quote above actually belongs to whom it is credited. However, I actually named the blog post before I picked any quotes and this one was already saved to my iPad and it fit and boom. Kismet. 

Anyway, today I started over from yesterday's failure. I went to class, then to work, had a healthy lunch, had my foot evaluated, went to class, prepared for the GRE, and then made myself a steak dinner. Now my roommate did help me a little with the steak cooking process but I'm proud of my accomplishments. I was really productive today and it felt fantastic. I love feeling this way! I wish that I had this level of motivation much more often; I'd be proud of my self all the time if that was the case. 

Hopefully starting over on such a good foot means that I won't have another failure anytime soon. I don't like failing. I'd rather be proactive and feeling positive about my self and life :)

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