Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Festivities

Last year I was not able to participate in the Christmas Eve shopping at my job because of my foot which was prohibiting me from standing for that long. This year my toe did not put up as much of a fight so I was cleared to stand. Can I just say that some people are just not smart? If someone you know asked for something that has literally been one of the top ten items the last two Christmases, why would you wait until Christmas Eve Day to try and find it for them? I just don't understand. Anyway, working on Christmas Eve was interesting. I made mini pumpkin pies for everyone to snack on while they were at work so I hope everyone had some and ended up having a great Christmas!
After work it was time to get ready for something that has been a Christmas Eve tradition in my family since the day I was born. For 22 years we have been going to one of my aunt's houses on Christmas Eve, nearly forty people every year travel to one house where we spend like 6 hours eating and talking and listening to the kids put on a show. This year we walked in to photographers huddling us all around my grandmother who is the matriarch of our family. Twenty five minutes later we finally had a decent enough picture for the photographer to wish us a Merry Christmas and head to his own Christmas Eve festivities. Soon it was time to eat and we gathered in a room to listen to my uncle talk for what we soon learned was the last time. A tradition that has been in my family since before I was born ended today and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Of course, I understand the logistics of why it ended and the reasons and whatnot but that doesn't stop me from being sad about not being able to see all of my cousins at Christmas. Or feeling sorry for the kids who attended since they were born and will not longer be able to make memories like I did when I was their age.

I am sure someone will take over this tradition although I am not sure who it could be. Maybe I can fit all forty of us in my college apartment.

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