Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Post for Catherine

**NOTE: Somehow I wrote over or saved over this post with my Christmas Eve post so the date of this post is actually 12/26/14 but I have changed the date to accurately reflect when it was originally posted. Since I am having to rewrite it three days later I don't exactly know what all happened. ALSO: Wall of Text.

I didn't have to work so I ended up hanging out with Catherine at some point because it could end up being the last time we get to have best friend time before I move to Orlando. This thought is so scary. Grad school is right around the corner! AHH!!

We ended up going to shopping in order to try and find something for me to wear to Christmas eve dinner but we didn't find anything unfortunately. EVEN IN THE 80% OFF DILLARD'S WHERE WE SPENT FIVE BILLION YEARS!! We also made mini pumpkin pies for me to take to work.

Then she gave me my Christmas presents and they couldn't be more perfect! She bought me Pyrex casserole dishes (EEEPPPPPP!!!), measuring cups and spoons, and a scrub brush because she knows I hate sponges. They are perfect, she's perfect.

You know, when I joined my sorority it was to kill time. I was just out of IB where free time did not exist and I had so much time on my hand that I had to find something constructive to do. THUS, I joined DNZ. I didn't really know what to expect from such an unknown organization and I certainly did not expect to find the girls that I have! Of course I have quite a few favorites but I won't list them all because that would make this post a lot longer than it is going to be already. Alexis, Lauren, and Deviyani are absolute darlings and I am so incredibly grateful that my sorority brought them into my life. My big is the best big on the face of the planet and I love her so much and now I get to live near her and her sister who is also amazing! Kayla is probably one of the best friends I have ever had in my life when you look at things on paper. We balance each other out and we don't put up with nonsense from each other and I am so incredibly thankful to have her help in a few weeks!

Then you get to Catherine. In the beginning, I wasn't quite sure what to think of Catherine. She seemed queit and like she had a "type" for her friends but I was obviously wrong. I don't quite know when we started to hang out and I don't know how we became such fast friends but we did and I am so overwhelmed about thinking about much I am going to miss her in a few weeks. When she graduated and we did senior fly ups for her class, I was choking back tears talking about her in my send of speech. What was I going to do without her?? And then I managed to get through my semesters, graduate, and come home. We've seen each other and had girl time and giggles and nonsense at least once a week since. She's like family! It is so easy to be friends with someone who has nothing but honesty and light and every other personality trait with a positive connotation!!

There are people that you meet in your life who change it and Catherine is definitely one of those people for me. I've learned so many things just from being friends with her. I can't wait to continue to learn things from her and see what life has to bring this amazing human being :)


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