Friday, December 26, 2014

Last Five Days

It is really weird to think about where I was 5 days before the New Year last year. I was injured and angry because my injury was preventing me from doing so many things. I had no intention of doing anything interesting for the New Year and I certainly didn't expect for this blog to be part of the works. It is so funny to me now that even a year ago today, I would not have wanted to do this. And then I saw that picture. But we'll talk about that in five days.

These last five days will be spent packing because the first trip to Orlando is with Kayla in a week! After work tomorrow I am going to come home, probably take a nap, then organize my bathroom and start packing all of the stuff under my bed as well as the knick knacks through out my room. Sunday is going to consist of laundry if possible and if not then I am going to see if I can consolidate any of the boxes in the garage into other boxes. Monday will either start or pick up where Sunday leaves off in the laundry department which will be the main part of what is going to go with Kayla on Saturday. Tuesday will be more of the same with laundry but by then I will (hopefully) very little left to do. Wednesday is my main day off and I have to figure out if I am going to spend it packing or take a break and go have a final send off with my friends.

That is also New Year's Eve which will bring me full circle and I still haven't decided what I am going to with my blog in 2015.

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