Saturday, December 13, 2014

Like Animals-Mals

I only titled this post after that Maroon Five song because it played so many times on the way to the day's adventures.

Given that it was my day off and the plans for today were made nearly a month ago, my day started at 8:00am. I had 50 minutes to get ready for a day at Busch Gardens for Christmastown shenanigans. 

Once we arrived to Busch Gardens and determined that said Christmastown shenanigans didn't start until 4:00pm, we decided to go find some rides and take the train to see animals which were super cute as usual. There was this one giraffe that I am not entirely sure was real because of how still it was and our train didn't get to have a sing along but it was fun regardless. After getting all up close and personal with one of  the tigers in Jungala as well as some adventures in Stanleyville, we eventually headed to this dinner thing which was a buffet style holiday dinner.THE MASHED POTATOES AND GRAVY WERE SO INCREDIBLY GOOD I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU ABOUT THEM!! And the whole no bad sugars thing kind of died at that dinner because there was pumpkin cheesecake that the specially went and found downstairs after I asked about it. I will say though that the sugar intake has been less than the last three months so I am still proud of my resolve. 

Christmastown and lights started once we finished dinner which put me on a mission to find hot chocolate in this collectible cup because it was cold. And because I know I will be back this season. This adventure proved to be very difficult! And when we did find hot chocolate they didn't give me my whipped cream, those hooligans. 

Overall though the lights were pretty and we had fun. Now to go on the Christmastown adventure with Alexis!! 

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