Saturday, December 27, 2014

Four Things Packed

Yesterday's post saw me outlining my packing  schedule and on the agenda for today was organizing my bathroom, acquiring the knick knacks, and packing all the stuff under my bed.

These things did not happen. I had a really... tough is the word I'm going to use, day at work and ended up having to stay an extra hour. Then when I did get home everyone decided it was time for dinner and if I wanted to eat I had to go because the food that I purchased last Sunday is either gone or expired. Anyway, so we go to dinner and spend the next two hours there. My pasta was kind of gross but the cake was good so that is a plus. I was able to draw a half person out of blue crayon but he looks like Salvador Dali or Picasso decided to draw a boy band member.

So we get home and I am so incredibly tired that I sit on my bed and attempt to take that nap I had figured in to this schedule but to no avail. Three hours later I have half of my make shift night stand cleared off, three boxes and a duffle bag packed and nothing from under my bed has even been touched. Let's not talk about the bathroom.

Luckily I can start laundry tomorrow and then in between loads I'll be able to move around my room and re work things so that I can pack. Woo.

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