Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Real Beginning

I know that I have talked quite bit about things starting to pick up at work but I was wrong until today. Today was busy and a little stressful but overall it felt okay. I stumbled a few times and I didn't know the answers to a few questions but that is okay. Now if I could only feel as okay about not being 1000% knowledgeable about or able to do certain things. It will all get there, one bajillion hour shift at a time xD 

While I was at worked I was notified that all of my UCF application materials have been received which is a huge relief! The email prompted me to make an account so I can watch the status of my application and I am hoping that this is a sign from the universe that an interview is in my future.

The day finished with a much needed visit with Catherine! 
We both took a break from our busy lives to chat and then we went and saw The Giver. I thought it was good but it was different from the book so if you read the book you may be a little confused/disappointed. It definitely got the same messages across though! 

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