Wednesday, September 3, 2014

World At Ease

At least for a little while. Today was a reset day as I was off from work and I tried to use it as so. I woke up around 10:30 and then emailed professors and made phone calls regarding the letters of recommendation situation. So far I have had two professors email me back saying that they would writ the best letter that they could given that they don't really know me all too well anymore. At this point I am eager to accept that but I am still battling with myself over spring or fall admission. 

The other things on my list for today were to relax as much as possible, do laundry, and then study some more for the road signs and rules test next week! I started relaxing off by hanging out by the pool  but I soon realized that it had fresh chemicals in it so I showered off and went inside. My next idea was to marathon True Blood until my eyes fell out of my head but that didn't end up happening dully as I was saved by Catherine!

The rest of our day was spent at The Container Store, Cracker Barrel, and then helping her and Alex move into the new apartment. I also got my iPad back which I am going to try to limit my time with. Of course it is easier to use upstairs where I don't have a computer but I get so distracted by the Sims and Netflix. I HAVE to keep up some sort of productive pace.

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