Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Today's Permit Day

And it was a really long day. Aft a morning of pancake making and Just Dance- ing with Catherine, we headed to the permit test taking place which, even though it wasn't a DMV, gave me anxiety. I'm not an anxious person. Now before anyone says anything about the whole "you're 21 and just got your permit" thing, don't. It took so long because I don't really have a desire or a care to drive. It's not a thing that was ever on my radar. Things happened, time ran out, my mom was sick, my sister was pregnant, I hate the DMV more than most people, IB was stressful, I had no need to drive, I'm too laid back for my own good, I'm blind in one eye. Pick one and apply it as the reason it took so long.

After getting said permit though, Catherine and I went looking for Halloween costumes and brackets and something else that is escaping me right now.

I tried on the one above and one other one. Ill give hugs and props to the person who can guess whatthat  costume was supposed to be. I didn't end up getting that one either, I got the other one. Now I just have to acquire fangs. Woo!

Catherine and I's very long day soon came to a close when I got a text from a manager to remind me about a coworkers birthday! So Catherine and piled back in the car and ran to Publix to gather the ingredient to make cupcakes! I didn't have a great piping bag for the pink icing but I'm impressed with how this cupcake came out! 

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