Saturday, September 20, 2014

Well That's Peachy

And I'll talk about it tomorrow.

.... or 4 days from then. This was a Saturday post and it was my second time closing all by my self. Saturday during the day was okay. I won hundred dollars from a store called Tatyana which is where I got my 50's style bathing suit from. That was really exciting because it means a new interview dress AND it means I get to get Catherine something as well! She LOVES that store and there is no way I am going to spend 100 dollars all by myself.

The day got even better when I found out about my G-Little getting twin Littles this semester! The legacy of multiples continues! I was so excited for her and for our line that I came running down the stairs to tell my real sister. She of course had no idea what I was talking about but I just had to fangirl with someone! I hope I get to meet them soon so that I can plan for GGBig presents >:]

The awesomeness of that day ended there. I walked into work ready to conquer the day and have a successful Saturday closing. This did not happen. Saturday is a busy day all by itself. For some reason it felt so much more busy because it was my night. I don't get stage fright much anymore but that is the closest way I can describe the feeling I had on Saturday. I ended up having closing issues and I had to call for help, which isn't the part that bothers me. The part that bothers me is the fact that the issue that I had put me over half an hour. UGHHHHHH.

I know this isn't what it is going to be like forever. I know that I will get better at everything over time. I just wish I could fast forward my learning curve and be better at it now.

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