Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Are Boundaries?

On a happier note, today consisted of lots of nephew time and new makeup which I will probably post about in depth within the next few days. I was able to snag the face products from the Katy Perry Covergirl Instaglam/ Ready Set Gorgeous collection which is supposed to be pretty neat. I'm really excited to try it!

Ab challenge is going to happen in a little bit and I'm hoping it goes okay.  I did exercise yesterday so I don't think my body is out of the routine but we shall see. Storyline line challenge for today is about boundaries/guardrails. I'm not actually sure I possess these to be honest with you. I don't really have personal boundaries until it comes to my nephew and crawling on me. There's nothing I won't talk about if I'm asked about it and I try to experience everything at least once. I guess my main boundary (if you even consider it one) is that I don't like to break social rules in front of people. I also don't like to break the law which I have been taunted for but that doesn't really bother me. Good choices get you good things, bad choices get you bad things. 

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