Friday, July 18, 2014

My Fortune's Told

This was in my fortune cookie today and I felt like it should be shared with the world. I really do believe in the idea that you have to do what you love. I love so many things be it music, make up, or writing and beyond but, even though I don't have much experience, I think my passion is going to lie in therapy. I want to help people work out their problems. I want to be part of the process of self-realization and self-acceptance. I want to able to walk someone through one of the hardest parts of your life and see them come out stronger and more capable than they were before. I cannot wait to start that roller coaster of a career.

Storyline challenge: talk about your day

This is actually a funny thing to be included for me because I do this everyday. Today was actually my day off and it would have been a good day to restart ab challenge but I didn't because I make bad life choices. Instead, I helped my sister out and then took a nap. Then I helped my sister out some ore. We were supposed to go do other things but she ended up leaving the kids with me. I could have gone to see Alexis today but I wasn't sure when I was going to be done with all of my errands and my phone didn't show me her phone calls until hours later. My eldest nephew really got on my brew today and I feel like that is probably related to being home for so long. Permanent kids are definitely not my forte. 

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