Saturday, July 5, 2014

This is Routine

But I'm too tired to finish the post so ill do it tomorrow

So I was given a mini-vacation from work for three days. And then I went to work for 6 hours. I came home and I was so exhausted I barely made the "I'm too tired to write this" post above.

Anyway, I know that I previously posted about routine and how I've never really experienced it. I know that now that I am home I've been thrown into routine and that I'm getting restless hence all the challenges I gave myself. It was rest day for ab challenge which is fantastic because I would have died. Anyway, the lack of routine that came from those three days off threw me for a loop. I ended up going to bed like 4 hours later than usual and then waking up at odd hours and then I was tossed back into work life. I will definitely be more careful next time.

Storyline challenge: Favorite Hobby

If I am being honest, my favorite hobby is probably paddle making which is something I picked up from my sorority. I won't have the opportunity to that. probably ever again. My next favorite hobby would be stalking social media and writing this blog. My third would have to be anything and everything Disney related.

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