Thursday, July 31, 2014

July has Ended

"Do or do not, there is no try"- Yoda

Tomorrow starts a new month and this time I am not letting myself get off track. I'm going to take on a lot in August and I know that sounds like it isn't going to end well but I'm going to make it happen.  I think one of the reasons that my other challenges didn't go so well might be because i was bored with them. They were two more things i had to do EVERYDAY that required a lot of effort and my brain couldn't handle that. I am going to restart ab challenge and that is going to be my everyday thing. I also want to start having one day a week being dedicated to goals. I know that could be potentially obnoxious but we are going to add it. I also want to start cooking once a week so that I can work on the goals list! I definitely want to reincorporate the makeup days as well. Even though I didn't post pictures, I did do the make up days. The pictures thing requires time before work and that doesn't really work a lot of the time.  

 For the first two weeks of August though, the big challenges are going to be getting on my recommenders to send in their recommendation letters and finishing my applications to both of my schools. I have also decided to schedule a DMV visit for the 11th to hopefully pass my driving test which means that I need to start really focusing on getting everything together. I meant to do this earlier on in the summer but time got away from me and I brushed it under the table. I can't keep doing this. I haven't decided what I am going to do for the rest of August but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

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