I include this today because today is many things. For one, today is the First of July which means I am starting ab challenge again and I am planning out makeup looks to post about and I'm going to walk my dog everyday. I'm excited for these new challenges. They will give me SOMETHING to do other than the normal "Work, kids, boring" post. I can only post that so many times before I want to blow my own head off.
Today is also the literal half way point in the year. There are 365 days and today is day 182. Technically, if you were to divide 365 by 2 it would equal 182.5 so the post comes late in the day so that it is almost to the 183rd day. I know I posted about it being halfway over at the beginning of June and that was because June was 6 of 12 months. Today is literally halfway over. Whoa.
I have learned so many things about myself through this process and I really think that I have grown in these last six months. Yes I'm still afraid for fifty years from now but I am not so worried about my life right now and graduate school and my possible career options. I am strong and I have the abilities to accomplish what I want to do and I know that I am capable for achieving greatness.
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