Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cupcakes and Memories


As you can probably guess, I was able to see Catherine today and we had fun adventures! First we went to get cupcakes at this quaint little cupcake shop called "Cupcake Cache" which is located next to Busch Gardens. This place is phenomenal. It's family owned but they have 63 different cupcake flavors and so far, Catherine and I haven't found one we don't like. I was able to get my peanut butter fix taken car of and I ordered the peanut butter cup cupcake which was a chocolate cake filled with peanut butter mousse and hazelnut filling, topped with peanut but buttercream, and garnished with a peanut butter cup. SO GOOOOODDDDD!!! Catherine tried the orange blossom (I think that is what it was called) which was an orange cake, with orange filling, orange icing, and topped with an chewy orange candy slice! She was very pleased with her purchase so I am sure we will be visiting the little  shop again! We also picked up real food from Jason's Deli before heading to Catherine's house and eating said lunch and cupcakes. The next three hours was spent catching up, drawing Disney scenes, and playing Mario Word!

The Storyline challenge for today is to reflect on a picture. 

The picture I decided to reflect on is not a picture of me but of my mother and my sister's father. From what I am told, this was taken before my mother's 20th birthday which makes her younger in this picture than I am now. I posted this once before on Facebook and captioned it that we were twins. Eerily enough, we are. My chin and cheeks are little fuller and my nose has a tiny bit more definition towards the tip but other than that, we look identical in the face. I was never told that I looked like my mother when I was growing up. My sister, yes but not my mom. It is so weird for me to look at this picture because all I see is myself and that (in some backwards way) reminds me that she is always with me. 

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