Saturday, April 30, 2016

Birds Flying High, You Know How I Feel


On the positive side, I have Cracker Barrel Biscuits and I was hired (yesterday actually) as the nanny for the little girl and I start on Monday! I am so excited to be working with children again as well as getting to help the family!

Friday, April 29, 2016

This is a Hymn to the Garnet and the Gold


Two years ago I was in her shoes and I felt the exact same way she did today: content. Her and I are good friends because we're similar. We acknowledge that the Bachelors degree was an achievement but we also know that we have more to go. Graduating from Florida State was a good day for both of us and I am so excited that she finished! She worked so hard and she's come so far!

Driving to Tallahassee was not fun and I don't want to do it again any time soon but I did miss being in Tally. It was weird to see the city again. It looked so similar and yet so different! Until next time Tally!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

You're Not the Only One

The clinic has been cleaned, Dr. Hundley has learned what a Zebra sounds like, and I have experienced (interesting) Thai food. Once my practicum finished at the clinic, we headed to this little shop called Purple Orchid Thai. It was very hot in this restaurant and that was making me grumpy. The consensus once most of us got our food was that it was eh. I was the last to receive sustenance and it wasn't very good. Let us just say that we probably wouldn't recommend it. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

We'll Be Counting Stars

I got to meet the little girl I might help take care of through out the week! I made sure to include Disney into my outfit and she seemed to like it but stayed very shy. I hope it went as well as I think it did!

Tonight I have to go to work and then final practicum time tomorrow! We get to finish filling out paperwork, get our final evaluations, and then clean. Fun!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Topsy Turvy Day

I have been awake since 6:30. I just started my paper. It is due in approximately 10 hours. I have three pages. I want to die but this completely my fault and I shouldn't have procrastinated.

UPDATE: I FINISHED IT WITH A FEW HOURS TO SPARE!! And the lady who wanted me to interview with her yesterday called me again to schedule an in person interview for tomorrow! Things are looking up!!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Shake 'Em Off

I'm finally starting to get used to waking up at 5-5:30 am to be at work by 7:00am and I might be changing my schedule. I will say though, only being scheduled until 11 am is nice. And it worked in my favor today as I needed to finish my project for multiculturalism. I haven't succeeded quite yet but it is colorful and has the majority of my large family on it.  I get to present my "culture" to my class and this is difficult for me to conceptualize. I don't identify with a culture. I don't know what that means. But okay sir. I'll do your project and try my best.

I also have an interview today for a nanny'ing position. I'm constantly taking care of people and I'm going into a helping profession so I think I'm

Sunday, April 24, 2016

I Think It Goes

So today I had a breakdown about this last week of class. I also thought about what I want my project tomorrow to look like. AND I finally finished watching Wall Street for the paper that I due Tuesday that I have not started yet.

So yeah. fun.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sweeeeeeeeetttttttt Emoooooootiooooooooooonnnnnn

I fully admit that I should not have gone to Disney. I should have stayed home, told Peter to go back to his house, told Ilysa I couldn't help her family go to Disney, and been miserable working on all my homework.

This did not happen. Instead I spent my day (and so much money) at Hollywood Studios. We Rocked on a Roller coaster and fell down an elevator shaft. We meet some Jawas and a Kylo. It was a good time. And now I get to work.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Big Girls Don't Cry (I Wonder Why)

Remember how I said I would be scrambling? It has already begun. After work today, I went to the clinic to A) apply for babysitting/nannying positions because those jobs can end up paying some serious money, B) finish client paperwork so that next Thursday is an easy transition out of the clinic, and C) to have a meeting with the department about my class' experience this semester. I was lucky to have the experience that I and I will stick to that story. None the less, there were things that could have been better so attending the meeting with my classmates needed to happen.

After all of this was finished, I went home to start watching Wall Street for a paper that is due on Tuesday. Things didn't go as planned. My arm started to hurt, I had to have some serious conversations with some people. I got through half of the movie and then fell asleep.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

It's the Thrill of the Fight, Rising Up to the Challenge of Our Rival

WE DID IT!!!! We finished seeing clients and we are all done with Practicum 1!!

I was lucky to have the practicum experience that I had compared to some of the other people in my class alone. I had mostly consistent clients, I was challenged enough to see what I need to work on, and I didn't let practicum get the better of me. I did however let other classes get the better of me and now I'm going to be scrambling. But it will all be worth it. I get to see Brandi next week for her graduation. And then Hunter Hayes. AND THEN DISNEYLAND!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Whats a Greecian Earn

I didn't get as much done as I thought I would and now I have to go to work until midnight. I did however go with Ilysa to get our group hours finalized. We were able to meet with our site supervisor and solidify a spot next semester for running groups. Go us.  Last day of prac tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I Wish It Was Sunday

Work, class, stress. I hate my life.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Sun Kissed Skin, So Hot We'll Melt Your Popsicle

I voluntarily put on a bathing suit and decided to go outside to get some sun. I sun-denly (hahahhaha) really want to be tan. So yeah. I spent thirty minutes outside just laying out. Am I tan yet? No. No I'm not. But I'm not burnt either so that is a plus!

All pluses were negated when Dr. Butler gave back our portfolios and held us an extra 20 minutes in order to complete our PSA presentations. But it is over. One more assignment and then that class is done forever. Praise the lord.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

She's So Lucky

I had the day off! Again! 
So Peter and I grabbed some lunch (it was awful) and then I had a mini mental breakdown after we watched the Entourage movie because my computer refused to work for the project I had to complete today. 

I finished them (and my notes and my file swap) but it all just sucked. Lots of tears and freaking out and getting mad but I finished making the videos. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

I didn't get any pictures of him hitting or catching but I got to see Anderson play a baseball game today! I ended up not having to go to work so I was able to hang out. After the game, he and I ayes some basket ball and then I helped my sister figure out the Starbucks app. Later, I met up with Peter to watch theForce  Awakens. We didn't like it this time around either. I guess it just isn't the movie for us.

Friday, April 15, 2016

On the Road Again

And we're in Tampa! And we're babysitting!

And within the first 15 minutes of being in Tampa, Anderson threw up. It was a strange day. But we watched some movies and had some gold fish and it turned out okay. I got to spend some quality time with him and Holden. and then I got to help my sister look hella boss for an 80's party.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Walk this Way, Talk this Way

Group went well. Practicum was kind of a mess. I haven't done my exercise stuff yet and I have to go to Tampa to babysit tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Lost Days

To be honest, I didn't realize it had been  eight days. I some how missed eight days of posts and I don't even know how I did that. I won't have an even number of posts, as much as I wanted do. I wont have 365 days to look back on. It just won't be there because I didn't keep up. I thought this was important enough for me to stay dedicated but certain days I just don't believe that. I struggle. I struggle a lot to keep myself on track with more than just this. I struggle to meet certain deadlines, I struggle to be nice to people all the time, I struggle to keep budgeting, to not go out to eat, to not stay up late, to lose weight, to clean my room.

I guess I thought that if I could maintain this, then I *wasn't* bad at keeping up with something. The truth is I am. I'm bad at staying on top of things as much as I say that I am. I get distracted by school and Sims and TV and sleep and various other things that suddenly become the most important when I have other things to be doing. I then feel awesome about myself for actually completing something but I never keep it up.

I have no idea what I did over the last eight days. I can't remember everything. I know that Peter and I got approved for the apartment which was awesome. But now we have to worry about money. I know that I talked to Catherine and her friends about planning a Disney trip. But then I forgot to book it and get back to everyone in a timely manner (I took care of it all today but I could have taken care of it when I said I was going to). I know that I finished a bunch of assignments. But that was so I could put off applying for internships and focusing on my big projects coming up. This idea of productive procrastination (procrastination in general to be honest) has to stop but I don't know how to motivate myself to do that. I always thought I was so good at time management but I've lost that skill somehow. Hell, I purchased two planners this semester, one of which has a whole sections for goals and to do lists and awesomeness but I don't even know where that one is right now!. I'm such a mess.

I want to be a fully functioning adult. I want to be able to look at my life and actually feel like things are going more than okay. I want things to go well. I want things to be functional and productive and happy and fulfilling. I just feel like I need a babysitter to help me achieve all of those things. I know, I know- positive outcomes only. I know that I need to be looking at this from a strengths based perspective. I know that I should be focusing on all of the things that I can do/am already doing right.

I'm just not motivated.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

In Bloom

Work, apartments, lack of motivation meets dedication. Then there's arguements. Then there's pettyness. 
And to think yesterday I sat there and said "I'm going to choose to be happy"

Work, Work, Work, Work, Work, Work

I was working all day on a project so I didn't post. I went to the mall and observed some people. I interviewed a few others. 

I also had the worst Chinese food ever. 
I have no excuse for missing this day. I am just a sad failure

Saturday, April 2, 2016

I'm so tired and it's been a bad day and I don't get to see Kayla while she's here. I have to deal with my own procrastination tomorrow and do my multicultural portfolio. Mejdnzjcnxjsjdnv

At the Feast of Fools

Aprils fools day! I forgot to post again! And then Peter and I drove past a haunted cemetery for like 10 minutes.