Monday, February 17, 2014

Already Over It

Just to throw this out there, I have been quoting this since way before Miley started to back in 2012. Today was supposed to be a good day full of work and cleaning and being ready for physical therapy tomorrow. After such an exciting and easy going weekend I did NOT expect to wake up today being so sick. But I did. I woke up feeling awful. Typical head cold symptoms plus some chills and hurting everywhere. Because of this the only thing that I made it to today was my job and I thought about not even going to that. 

I really don't like missing class and tests and chapter and my day to day life. Unfortunately for me, whenever I get sick it isn't just "oh I'm sick better take some medicine and move on with my day." Absolutely not. My version of sick has always been worse than my friends'. For example, even if I wanted to go to class the morning I wouldn't have been able to due to the pressure in my head being so severe it took two doses of day quill for it to stop for an hour. One hour.  My tolerance for medication is much higher than your average person's. it takes 3 ibuprofen just to make my head stop hurting on a normal day. That's 1500mg. 

But sickness is temporary. It is also a motivator to actually enjoy my days as a healthy human and not waste them so often.

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