Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Seen Some Things

I was absolutely blown away by the most random things today. One of the kids at my internship asked a fellow mentor for her phone number, all of the kids behaved liked animals during group session, a crazy homeless man on the bus told all of the African American transportees that they needed to find religion and that he was not "raised a fool" because his daddy raised him right, finally one of my students conned said homeless man out of a dollar. All of those events don't even come close to my surprise regarding a new student asked me to buy her a tobacco product when we got to the bus station. Not only is she a minor but she is under my supervision two days a week. To top that off she's probably on probation! I was so blown away by this singular event and the anger she directed towards me for telling her no that I got on the wrong bus. 

The last half of the day was just so surprising that I almost forgot I was three hours late to my internship. I have learned this week that if I go to sleep after 1:30 am I do NOT wake up the next morning when I am supposed to which makes me really unhappy.  I used to be able to do this all the time but once I moved out on my own I lost that ability. 

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