Saturday, February 1, 2014

Not All Bad

"When there's a smile in your heart!There's no better time to start! Think of all the joy you'll find when you leave the world behind! And bid your cares goodbye!" You Can Fly - Peter Pan
I had originally planned for today's post to be about believing in yourself as time goes on and sharing the lists of things I believe about my self. However, February apparently didn't appreciate me telling it to behave as a month so it threw me a curve ball today and made me fight with my assignments for 14 hours. And only get three hours of sleep. Thank Tinker Bell that February is only 28 days.

Today started at 330 am when I decided to be productive and work on my video presentation for my internship. I finished around 430 or 5 am and tried to upload it. At noon it still hadn't budged past 49% and I shut down my computer. In the time that I had wasted waiting on that file to load I finished three loads of laundry and managed to take 6 thirty minute naps. The down side to this is that I had to miss the first event with my sorority's pledges/ my university's championship celebration.

I did however get to go out with a friend of mine who bought me lunch and a cupcake and taught me a little bit about making contraptions with parts from Home Depot. You go Glen Coco. After that lovely little reprieve from my evil assignments I was sentenced to 5 more hours of fighting and converting and praying and hoping that this infernal thing would just upload to the correct place. It decided to work about 15 minutes ago.

Now I am rewarding my self by going out with some of my sisters and my beautiful Biggles to dance the night away before I do a whole different assignment and study for the GRE tomorrow. Happy thoughts. Faith, Trust, Pixie Dust. I can fly?

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